What Socks to Wear with Jeans

Jeans. They’re just great, aren’t they?

The ultimate in versatile legwear since 1871, jeans are tough, stylish and are able to blend into almost any outfit with astounding ease. In a variety of colours and tones, your choices when it comes to picking your perfect pair of jeans are almost limitless, but when crafting a well-thought-through outfit, you can’t ignore one very crucial pairing:

What socks should you be wearing with your brand new jeans? 

Choosing socks to wear with jeans

When choosing the best socks to pair with your jeans, there are two things to bear in mind above all else: the colour and style of your socks.  


Above all else, you should try to match the colour of your socks to the colour of your jeans - and your shoes. Matching the tones of your socks and your shoes will usually look spot on - darker shoes, will warrant darker socks.

But be careful about creating too much contrast. If you are wearing other items that look garish, then the wrong pair of socks can obliterate your style and leave you looking rather foolish - so bear that in mind!

If in doubt, pair your jeans with a clean black sock for a classic look - jeans are generally a mid-tone blue or darker, so having a pair of black socks in your repertoire is a must. 

And, of course, white always remains an option - particularly with washed, paler denim or if you are wearing white sneakers.


Most jeans will cover the collar and topline of your shoes at the very least, so the best option is to pair them with trouser socks, which sit mid-calf, though you are better off with a more casual style. Sport socks are a particularly good option here, especially if you are wearing jeans with trainers. And while roll-up look is less common it cannot be ignored - we suggest you wear no-show socks. Ankle socks should be avoided at all times when wearing jeans (unless you’re pairing the roll-up look with high-tops… which we wouldn’t recommend).

It’s all fair game

However, at the end of the day, jeans are so versatile, that it’s possible to pull off an incredibly wide variety of socks with them - some look better than others, certainly, but at the end of the day, it’s up to you!

Best socks to wear with jeans

And, with that in mind, here’s a selection of our very favourite socks to pair with our jeans (in a variety of classic colours) to help you choose your own:

1. BOSS Edward Socks

BOSS Edward Socks

You want a quick pairing with jeans? Go for black socks. 

You want the best, plain black socks you can buy? Choose the Edward socks by BOSS.

They’re smart, sleek, sexy, durable, comfortable… the list goes on. BOSS is absolutely synonymous with quality, and the Edward socks are no exception. 

And the kicker? They’re made from bamboo. 

These Soft Bamboo Socks care for your feet like no others, with the fabric’s natural antibacterial ability and superb moisture absorption. Your feet will stay drier and cooler - ideal for long days of wear - and ideal for pairing with your brand new jeans. 

If black isn’t quite your thing, they now come in a dark blue and charcoal grey, you lucky dog - also great colours to pair with your jeans. 

You genuinely can’t go wrong with these!

2. Tommy Hilfiger Classic Mens’ Socks

Tommy Hilfiger Classic Mens’ Socks

We know that black socks can get a bit ‘been there, done that.’ After all, a sock drawer full of nothing but black socks can look very drab indeed - so let’s spice it up with a dash of colour that’ll also set off your jeans. 

Tommy Hilfiger’s Classic socks come in a variety of colours ranging from navy blue to bright red - they’re simple, they’re elegant and they’re a great way to add a bit more colour to your outfit. 

3. Polo Ralph Lauren Mens’ Crew Socks

Polo Ralph Lauren Mens’ Crew Socks

What could be better than a generous 3-pack of socks crafted by Polo Ralph Lauren in a sumptuous mercerised cotton? Not much - trust us! We’ve looked!

You can certainly pick up these supremely comfortable beauties in black or navy, but we love the options provided by the navy-sand-red pack or the silver-grey-black packs. Whichever of these two packs you choose, you’ll grab 3 pairs of high-quality socks that’ll pair perfectly with your jeans. 

For maximum flexibility, grab the navy-sand-red pack and let your feet enjoy the ride. 

4. FALKE Family Socks

FALKE Family Socks

Finally, we’d strongly recommend FALKE’s wonderful range of robust and comfortable socks - and its family socks in particular. 

No black tones in sight, you can treat your feet to royal blue, sand, light grey or sunbeam yellow colours that’ll draw the eye or blend in perfectly with your outfit - depending on which you choose. 

Throw in FALKE’s superb construction and soft cotton and you have one comfortable pair of socks that just won’t quit. And you’ll look great to boot. 

What socks will you wear?

So, there is plenty of choice when deciding what socks to wear with your jeans. Try pairing the tone of your socks to the tone of your shoes and you won’t go far wrong - or you could throw in some intense contrast if you’re feeling daring and want to draw the eye. The choice is yours!

FALKE, Polo Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger all offer incredible options to expand your sock drawer and set off your jeans. The colour varieties on offer from each brand are excellent and more than enough to support your choice of footwear. And, if black is your thing, you can never go wrong with the Edward socks by BOSS

So, will you choose one of these venerable socks to add to your wardrobe, or will you log on to our website and browse our full range of men’s socks

Either way, we hope you find the perfect pair - and remember to check back in with our Below the Belt Blog if you have any further burning questions about how best to wear your socks. 

Happy hunting, folks!